Working toward wellness

New group working to promote wellness at Sanford Lab

The Sanford Underground Research Facility (Sanford Lab) Health and Wellness Program has already been classified as best-in-class amongst the nation’s national labs; now, a newly formed Wellness Working Group will advance wellness initiatives for the entire Sanford Lab community.

“Our Health and Wellness Program improvement efforts and initiatives have been a big success,” said Julie Ewing, safety and health superintendent at Sanford Lab. “We recently formed a wellness working group to draw input from personnel across the site.”

The Sanford Lab Wellness Working Group’s mission is to plan, promote and support Health and Wellness activities for the Sanford Lab community. The group is looking forward to promoting awareness about prevalent cancers and heart diseases, as well as hosting community cleanups, creating physical activity challenges and promoting healthy habits, from diet and hydration to safe driving and positive thinking. The group hopes these initiatives will impact employees and partners, their families and the community of Lead.

Here are some words from the Sanford Lab Wellness Working Group’s members:

“I would like to promote a wide range of opportunities for people the option in creating a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle just isn’t physical, but emotional, and creates a balance in all areas of your daily routine. Invest in yourself!”

— Pam Jacobs, Finance

“I’ve always been interested in health and wellness. I may not be a nurse, doctor or specialist, but I enjoy encouraging and teaching others how to live healthier lives; being on this committee is an extension of that. I’m excited to promote individual, personal wellness for the people we interact with on a daily basis here at Sanford Lab.”

— Jessica Santee, Emergency Rescue Team

“I’ve enjoyed the wellness challenges so much, I wanted to be a part of the brainstorming process. I love getting to be creative! I also see opportunities to get the Sanford Lab community out into Lead, doing great things, attending to our own wellness, but also building strong community ties.”

— Becky Bundy, Education and Outreach

“I feel very fortunate to have such supportive leadership and such huge participation from Sanford Lab with this program.”

— Julie Ewing, Environment, Safety and Health

“We can often get stuck in a rut when it comes to health. The programs created by the Health and Wellness Program in the past have helped instigate healthy changes in my own lifestyle; being a part of that creative process will help me live a healthier life, while encouraging my coworkers to join in a fun way.”

— Erin Broberg, Communications

The Environmental, Safety and Health, and Quality Assurance Department at Sanford Underground Research Facility promotes health and safety in the workplace, as well as healthy living and wellness for all employees. If you have questions about health and wellness, please contact our occupational health nurse, Laura Baatz, who is onsite daily at